Aviation Holdings III Investments, LLC Secures Four 757-200PCF Conversions from Precision Aircraft Solutions

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Precision Aircraft Solutions
9800 SW Nimbus Ave, Beaverton, OR 97008
Zachary Young, Director of Sales and Marketing
U.S. M 971-770-6000; O 336-540-0400

Beaverton, OR., August 25, 2021 — Precision Aircraft Solutions has inducted the first of four B757-200PCF freighter conversions for Aviation Holdings III Investments, LLC (“Aviation Holdings III”). This induction is the beginning of a second 757 conversion line at HAECO Xiamen and Precision’s 141st B757-200PCF.

We are thrilled to have Aviation Holdings III as our newest 757-200PCF customer and look forward to working with them as they expand into new freighter conversion projects.” – Zach Young, Director of Sales and Marketing, Precision Aircraft Solutions

Precision Aircraft Solutions has set the standard for the popular B757-200PCF. This conversion program remains most successful 757 conversion program in the planet, with a design that has set the global standard and stood the test of time. Of available narrowbody conversion programs today, the 757-200PCF features:

  • The highest available volume
  • The highest available payload – up to 84,000lbs (38,101kg)
  • The longest range
  • Low operating empty weight (OEW)

Precision Aircraft Solutions is a major aircraft modification, product manufacturing and services company that has earned its stripes converting the B757 from passenger service into air cargo freighter for industry-leading companies around the world.