We specialize in the development of aircraft cargo conversions and special mission modifications, component and mod kit manufacturing, STC & AMOC certification, and continued airworthiness support.
Integrated start-to-finish expertise, from concept through delivery.
Turn-key installation kits, small-batch specialty components, and support logistics.
The world’s finest passenger to freighter & specialty mission conversions.
Our philosophy, depth, and experience were born from our roots in the aviation industry and inspired by our entrepreneurial founder, Jack Erickson.
Delivers greater volume and payload capabilities, along with enhanced efficiency and operating life to meet the demanding needs of today’s cargo requirements.
Get the lowest OEW, highest payload, greatest weight upgrades, and only winglet-compatible design in production.
The Precision Combi has 10 full cargo positions and 54 seats — plus the same low OEW, high payload, weight options, and winglet compatibility as our freighter.
This is a placeholder sentence because we don’t have text yet for specialty products.